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  Pictures - Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處
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John Chen and Mayor of Tainan Lai Ching-Te witnessed the signing of MOU between Tainan University Alliance and University of Muhammadiyah 2017.03.03, Taiwan Excellence Exhibition in Jakarta Director General of Bereau of Foreign Trade, Jen-Ni Yang, in Taiwan Excellence Exhibition 2017.03.03, Taiwan Excellence Exhibition cooperate with Batik Designer Ivan Gunawan 2017.03.03, Chairman of TAITRA, James Huang in Taiwan Excellence Exhibition 2017.03.03, Taiwan Excellene Exhibition in Jakarta 10 Februari, Ondel ondel Taiwan mempertunjukkan di Neo Soho Mall Wakil Kepala Taipei Economic and Trade Office Phoebe Yeh beserta rekan TETO, Anggota Yayasan Maria Monique dan anak- anak berfoto bersam Upacara pengibaran bendera di lapangan juga dimeriahkan dengan pelepasan balon berwarna Kepala TETO John C. Cheng, Alumni Taiwan, Pengusaha Taiwan dan tokoh masyarakat tionghoa berfoto bersama Kepala TETO John C. Chen berfoto bersama dengan Asosiasi Taiwan bisnis Club dan anggota komunitas tionghoa Kepala TETO John C. Cheng beserta diaspora Taiwan dan masyarakat I kuan tao berfoto bersama setelah upacara pengibaran bendera Lapangan upacara pengibaran bendera di Jakarta Taipei School pada tanggal 1 Januari 2017, dipenuhi lautan bendera December 17th, Representative John C. Chen, Madame Chen and friends December 16th, Representative John C. Chen and Madame Chen arrive in Indonesia Representative Liang-Jen Chang, Mrs. Chang and friends at Representative Chang's Farewell Party   Representative Liang-Jen Chang delivered remarks in the reception of "Celebrating 4 Decade of Cooperation on Agriculture and Fisheries between Taiwan and Indonesia"       Representative Chang delivers a remark in National Day Celebration Reception Representative Chang and guests cut the birthday cake together Representative Chang and guests toast together Representative Chang, Deputy Minister Yang and other guests attend the launching of Formosa Technical Center Representative Chang, Deputy Minister Yang and other guests attend the launching of Formosa Technical Center         Ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the greenhouse and distribution center in Lembang Ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the greenhouse and distribution center in Lembang Ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the greenhouse and distribution center in Lembang Ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the greenhouse and distribution center in Lembang Prof. Chia-wei Li, Department of Life Science National Tsing Hua University, introduces the ferns and other plants that thrive in the primary forest. Local and foreign scholars visited Nansha Hospital, which serves as a base for humanitarian rescue operations in the South China Sea, and interviewed medical staff residing on Taiping Island Visiting experts drink water from a well while listening to a briefing on water quality by Chang Ta-wei-head of the environmental division of the Agricultural Engineering Research Center Members of the local and foreign scholars enjoy a lunch prepared from locally raised chicken and vegetables. Foreign Minister David Lin and domestic and guests listen to a presentation on water quality, and drink water from a local well Commemorative stele with a quote by ROC President Ma Ying-jeou that reads “Peace in the South China Sea and our national territory secure forever” Memorial stele marking recovery of the island by the ROCS Taiping on December 12, 1946     The front of the historical marker reads “Peace in the South China Sea and our national territory secure forever”in Chinese and English, and is signed by President Ma Ying-jeou. Minister of the Interior Chen Wei-zen speaks at the dedication ceremony Historical marker commemorating completion of the Taiping Island Transportation Infrastructure Project is unveiled                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2018.09.05 Special Screening "On Happiness Road" in Indonesia!

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